Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"So I sing to my bird, to the beat of my pulse"

                We are all born beautiful. We have a creator who chose every fingertip, and strand of hair with such an indescribable love. We are born with a whole life ahead of us, unknown, and exciting. As we begin to grow into children, our beauty and our intelligence grow with us. The world is fascinated with little children and their boundless talent. We create for ourselves these big dreams, and hopes. We sparkle with possibilities and we view the world as an adventure. Our beauty is wild, and it is free. Our passions ignite fires inside our hearts and we are ready to embark on whatever the adventure throws at us.

                 But then as we grow, something inside us changes, and we start to know pain. Not the kind of skinned knee pain, but the kind of pain that stabs at our hearts, and our guts, and knocks the wind out of us. We begin to know true fear, and rejection, and betrayal. We begin to learn about statistics, and realism. The world begins to place rules on our behavior, you start to hear, “stop acting like that, you’re not a kid anymore.” and that spark inside you begins to die. Your dreams and hopes are now hopeless fantasies. You begin to work in lifeless places that eat away at your soul. We are birds that used to fly freely, but have been caged away due to our torn wings.

                There is nothing wrong with working, and trying to earn a living, but don’t let it change who you are. Enjoying life, having dreams, being goofy and fun, doesn’t make you childish, it makes you joyful, and that is what God wants for us! Don’t let ourselves be placed in a cage, to live the rest of our lives as safely and quietly as possible. When beauty is caged it begins to fade, because what made is so beautiful was that it was WILD and it was FREE. Don’t lose that. We can do so much. We waste our talents away; we waste our personalities and gifts away. Our smiles can change someone’s whole world. The spark inside us can be contagious, and if we put it on display, that it can spread to others too! 

              Don’t be selfish. Don’t let that beauty and that spark fade. Don’t hide it away, or cage it but let it fly free and run wild. Laugh, and dream, and hope. If you have passions, pursue them. I’m not telling you to go quit your jobs(but if that works for you, then go for it), but take the time to do something OTHER than work. Go for a walk, or a drive. Stick your arm out of the window, and feel the warm breeze through your fingertips, and remember what it was like to be a child. Remember that feeling that kept you so inspired and hold on to it.
 “All Good Things are wild and Free.”
-                                                     Henry David Thoreau 

1 comment:

  1. true dat. I will be reading this one a lot..it is very encouraging and happy to hear, love u..yay
