There are standards that Society tends to hold us to. There are "manners" and "etiquette." There are certain ways that we are expected to behave in the public. There are certain mannerisms we are to have. Life is all one big rulebook. Growing up, I was a big rule follower. I would obey everything my parents said. I was always the "teacher's pet." SO when rules are made, there is something inside me that always tends to follow them. But just because rules are made, it doesn't mean they ALWAYS need to be followed. I would say it especially depends on who is making the rules, and which situations they are pertaining too. It also depends on what the intentions are behind the rules. Etiquette can be awesome in certain situations, and so can table manners(it's pretty gross to sit with someone who is licking the plate clean at a table). Being polite, and not grossing other people out, is just...kindness and thoughtfulness.
But then there is society's idea of "weird." Whenever something is abnormal to all, we call it weird. When someone does something that we don't usually see, it's strange, they're peculiar or as I said before, "weird." It's another way to set certain people apart, to make certain people feel inferior. It's honestly... just another way to be mean.
But as I have learned in life, everything negative can be turned into positive. Things meant to do harm, can often be used for good(lemons/lemonade/clouds/silver lining, etc) What's so wrong about being weird? If people want to call you, or certain situations weird, then why is that neccessarily a bad thing? I mean, most of us are not idiots, and we can usually read tones of voices are facial expressions that are behind the word. We can feel when someone is trying to make us feel inferior, and that is hurtful, but why let that bother you? I've talked about again and again, that people's opinions need to not mean so much to us, but why not take being weird as a compliment? What is weird? Abnormal? Strange? Peculiar? It seems, that weird is DIFFERENT. And what is wrong with being different, standing out, being unique, being YOU?
None of us are the same, and if being different makes you weird, then we are all weirdos, and that's a beautiful thing. Embrace what makes you different. When you are true to yourself, you really can't be wrong. If there are flaws that you need to change about yourself, embrace them because even if they are not right, they are you, and they are authentic, and if you need to change something about yourself, don't fake it, let your growth unfold for all to see. We are all stories, being written each second of every day. There is nothing wrong with change and growth, as long as you feel like you are doing it to truly better yourself and not just to please man. But there are things, that we do, that are us, that are beautiful, that don't need to be changed at all. There are people that laugh like hyenas, that make ridiculous facial expressions, people that talk in different voices, people full of crazy energy, people extremely mellow, people that have to wear two pairs of socks, people that bite their nails, people with all kinds of "weird" quirks, and yeah sure, those things are what is considered "abnormal", so hats off to those people who laugh, and express, and dance uninhibitedly. Because you know you are not only just as weird as everyone else on the planet, but you are weird in your own ways. Because you know, that without your weirdness, without your quirks, you would just be an empty shell of a person, struggling to find yourself, struggling to find out what it is that makes you, YOU, what it is that sets you apart.
To the people who desperately just want to blend in, STOP. You aren't fooling anyone, we all know you are a closeted weirdo. We will love you anyway, actually...we will probably love you even more if you just let us see you. So...using the word weird, doesn't really even make sense, because our "quirks" aren't "weird." They are just pieces of the puzzle that is us. But if we need to call it weird, if the fact that I take a breath and blink once, every night after I pray for it to count, if the fact that I dance like a crazy person, I talk in accents, and make horrendous facial expressions just for the fun it, if the fact that I need to do things in even numbers, talk like television characters and celebrities are my friends, makes me "weird." Then i am the biggest weirdo you will ever meet(which...seriously...i am), and I am SO proud of it! I LOVE BEING WEIRD! If anyone ever wants to say i'm weird THANK YOU!! :) I'm so happy to see that you notice that i'm different, i'm so happy to see that I am being myself, the beautiful,crazy, girl that God designed down to every strand of hair, and every inappropriate giggle. Accepting that, is another way I find freedom, another way that I find peace.
And WHO am I? I'm a free spirit, an old soul, and a young and wild heart. I'm a vegetarian. I'm in love with animals. Nature brings me this indescribable happiness, I could sit outside for years, and never get bored...but maybe cold. I'm passionate about Jesus Christ, in a way that goes beyond him being this Supernatural figure in the sky. HE is my best friend and my father. We talk face to face and it's wonderful. Music is a super power that I have been given. It heals me, and keeps me focused, it helps give me direction. I think the most insane theories up and invent the craziest stories in my head, but often find myself too scatterbrained to write anything down. Although I have written a young adult novel, which I am very proud of. I am full of love, and compassion, but often my sarcastic,independent tongue spits out the opposite of what i'm trying to say, or of what I feel. I have accomplished a lot in my 22 years, yet in the grand scheme of life, I have accomplished nothing at all. I am in a constant pursuit of peace, and joy, but I am not foolish into thinking I can achieve any of it on my own. I am a wife, who is so crazy in love with her husband, that the thought of just a simple kiss from him still gives me butterflies and makes my whole body tingle from head to toe. I am a family girl, I love my family and always want to take care of them, and laugh with them. I love to meditate in the Lord's presence, which is Everywhere. Just sit still, listen to the wind, and think positive. I don't hold grudges, because I can't hold grudges. Not because I am this saint, but because something inside me, forgets what the pain of betrayal feels like, and SO i just forgive and forgive and forgive, and it never gets old, because though I am small, I have this heart that beats, and loves and LOVES and LOVES. Everything, everyone. Though there may be many people out there, with lots of the same qualities, they aren't me. Their minds run different, and their reasons for loving the same things I love may be different. They are just different then me. And I love it. I am proud of my good qualities, I love my quirks, I love the reasons behind my hobbies and the way that they make me feel. I love how passionate I am and how everything I care about is so intense to me. I cry when I should laugh, and smile when I feel pain. Trivial matters make me emotional, but emotional matters cause me to become remote. It's hard to deal with, it's "weird". But it's WHO I AM. I could list my flaws, but that would take forever, SO to the few people who read this, you are all weirdos...You're welcome
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