So my best friend is getting married and the past month has
been pretty packed full of events for her wedding. It’s been so much fun! I
don’t really have much to say in this post, because honestly there isn’t much
to say. Besides the fact that living a makeup free life has obviously been a
very liberating experience for me, it’s also become like second nature. My instinct when looking in the mirror is no
longer to cover or accentuate anything. I just am what I am, and it feels so
good. This Saturday will be the first day in I can’t remember when, where I
wear a full face of makeup. It was actually something I thought over a lot and
discussed with others and I have no doubt in my mind that it’s the right
decision. One of the reasons for doing this whole thing is to feel comfortable
being simple and natural. The wedding this Saturday is definitely not an event
to be simple for or even natural. I don’t usually look fancy, have my hair all
done and stand on a stage watching my best friend get married. This is an event
where I am specifically trying NOT to be my normal self. So soon I will get all
dolled up and feel like someone else, and cry my eyes out and ruin my makeup
P.S. Also my brother and his wife had the cutest little boy a couple months ago, and i'm so excited so I just wanted to throw in this for fun