Today, the people who elected Obama will call everyone else racists, or homophobes, or haters. And while that may be the case for some people. For a lot of us it isn't. I think it's funny how Obama supporters throw all these names at people who have different opinions. "You are voting for a white guy?! What a racist." When I vote for a candidate, I barely even notice the color of their skin. The fact that you vote for a person based on their physical appearance, well...that's racism. Pot calling kettle black? And it's just silly because people like me...who aren't white and who don't vote for Obama. How could I be racist against people who aren't white, when i'm one of them?! ha
And calling us hateful? Well, looking on facebook today, I see the difference between my friends who are Obama supporters and Romney Supporters. The Romney supporters are disappointed, yet trusting in God. They're frustrated because of Obama's past four years, and are anxious about where our country could be in four more years, because of what they have seen. Then I look at Obama supporters, calling the other party names. Questioning the character of friends who could possibly vote anyone other then Obama. If anyone seems to be filled with hate, it seems like the supporters of Obama are taking the cake. Which is so funny, because you WON. Chill out. I barely see Republicans turning away their friends because they support murder. Cause let's be honest, that's what it comes down to. Abortion is murder.
It's so strange to me how people can view the Casey Anthony case as horrible. How people will hear about mothers killing their children, and cry and demand justice. Yet about 3,500 to 3,700 children are murdered by their mothers every day, and we praise the mothers for exercising their ability to "choose"
I believe in love and peace. People should never be judged, should never be mistreated because of their sexual orientation, their physical appearance, their personal beliefs. I believe in our right to make our own decisions. I believe that we should be free to decide and to choose what we do with our own bodies, and suffer the consequences. But with abortion, it isn't just our bodies involved. It's a whole nother person. And in a country that speaks so much about equality, we treat the younger human lives like trash. Be consistent. If you want all people to be treated equal, then those babies, deserve to live just as much as you and I do.
I'm neither a republican nor democrat. I'm a more of a libertarian then anything. My basic political and moral beliefs line up with Ron Paul more then anyone. But when it came down to it yesterday, between Romney and Obama...I voted for Romney. Part of me cringed a little when filling in his name, because there is so much about him that I don't agree with, but I was able to find happiness in my choice because I was choosing life. I was making the choice that little baby girls all around the world would get the option to grow up, to fall in love, to dream, to comfort, to inspire. That little boys had the option to lead, to protect, to teach.
So I apologize to all the future woman, waiting for their prince charming to sweep them off their feet. He isn't coming. Someone decided that their right to "choose" was more important then his right to live. And I apologize to all of the people suffering with incurable diseases. There was someone coming along with a cure, but well...his mother decided his life wasn't as important as hers. You suffered for her mistakes.
So while yes, it's true. If Romney had been elected president, same sex couples would not get same privileges but at least they would get to LIVE...
And life is something us americans take for granted every day, but that's a whole different subject.
I implore all those who are on the fence about abortion, to check this website out, and also watch the movie October Baby. So eye opening, I will write a blog on it eventually.
And for those curious on my stance on gay marriage, Ron Paul couldn't have said it any better,